Source code for pamqp.exceptions

# Auto-generated, do not edit this file.

[docs]class PAMQPException(Exception): """Base exception for all pamqp specific exceptions."""
[docs]class UnmarshalingException(PAMQPException): """Raised when a frame is not able to be unmarshaled.""" def __str__(self) -> str: # pragma: nocover return 'Could not unmarshal {} frame: {}'.format( self.args[0], self.args[1])
[docs]class AMQPError(PAMQPException): """Base exception for all AMQP errors."""
[docs]class AMQPSoftError(AMQPError): """Base exception for all AMQP soft errors."""
[docs]class AMQPHardError(AMQPError): """Base exception for all AMQP hard errors."""
[docs]class AMQPContentTooLarge(AMQPSoftError): """ The client attempted to transfer content larger than the server could accept at the present time. The client may retry at a later time. """ name = 'CONTENT-TOO-LARGE' value = 311
[docs]class AMQPNoRoute(AMQPSoftError): """ Returned when RabbitMQ sends back with 'basic.return' when a 'mandatory' message cannot be delivered to any queue. """ name = 'NO-ROUTE' value = 312
[docs]class AMQPNoConsumers(AMQPSoftError): """ When the exchange cannot deliver to a consumer when the immediate flag is set. As a result of pending data on the queue or the absence of any consumers of the queue. """ name = 'NO-CONSUMERS' value = 313
[docs]class AMQPAccessRefused(AMQPSoftError): """ The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access due to security settings. """ name = 'ACCESS-REFUSED' value = 403
[docs]class AMQPNotFound(AMQPSoftError): """ The client attempted to work with a server entity that does not exist. """ name = 'NOT-FOUND' value = 404
[docs]class AMQPResourceLocked(AMQPSoftError): """ The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access because another client is working with it. """ name = 'RESOURCE-LOCKED' value = 405
[docs]class AMQPPreconditionFailed(AMQPSoftError): """ The client requested a method that was not allowed because some precondition failed. """ name = 'PRECONDITION-FAILED' value = 406
[docs]class AMQPConnectionForced(AMQPHardError): """ An operator intervened to close the connection for some reason. The client may retry at some later date. """ name = 'CONNECTION-FORCED' value = 320
[docs]class AMQPInvalidPath(AMQPHardError): """ The client tried to work with an unknown virtual host. """ name = 'INVALID-PATH' value = 402
[docs]class AMQPFrameError(AMQPHardError): """ The sender sent a malformed frame that the recipient could not decode. This strongly implies a programming error in the sending peer. """ name = 'FRAME-ERROR' value = 501
[docs]class AMQPSyntaxError(AMQPHardError): """ The sender sent a frame that contained illegal values for one or more fields. This strongly implies a programming error in the sending peer. """ name = 'SYNTAX-ERROR' value = 502
[docs]class AMQPCommandInvalid(AMQPHardError): """ The client sent an invalid sequence of frames, attempting to perform an operation that was considered invalid by the server. This usually implies a programming error in the client. """ name = 'COMMAND-INVALID' value = 503
[docs]class AMQPChannelError(AMQPHardError): """ The client attempted to work with a channel that had not been correctly opened. This most likely indicates a fault in the client layer. """ name = 'CHANNEL-ERROR' value = 504
[docs]class AMQPUnexpectedFrame(AMQPHardError): """ The peer sent a frame that was not expected, usually in the context of a content header and body. This strongly indicates a fault in the peer's content processing. """ name = 'UNEXPECTED-FRAME' value = 505
[docs]class AMQPResourceError(AMQPHardError): """ The server could not complete the method because it lacked sufficient resources. This may be due to the client creating too many of some type of entity. """ name = 'RESOURCE-ERROR' value = 506
[docs]class AMQPNotAllowed(AMQPHardError): """ The client tried to work with some entity in a manner that is prohibited by the server, due to security settings or by some other criteria. """ name = 'NOT-ALLOWED' value = 530
[docs]class AMQPNotImplemented(AMQPHardError): """ The client tried to use functionality that is not implemented in the server. """ name = 'NOT-IMPLEMENTED' value = 540
[docs]class AMQPInternalError(AMQPHardError): """ The server could not complete the method because of an internal error. The server may require intervention by an operator in order to resume normal operations. """ name = 'INTERNAL-ERROR' value = 541
# AMQP Error code to class mapping CLASS_MAPPING = { 311: AMQPContentTooLarge, 312: AMQPNoRoute, 313: AMQPNoConsumers, 403: AMQPAccessRefused, 404: AMQPNotFound, 405: AMQPResourceLocked, 406: AMQPPreconditionFailed, 320: AMQPConnectionForced, 402: AMQPInvalidPath, 501: AMQPFrameError, 502: AMQPSyntaxError, 503: AMQPCommandInvalid, 504: AMQPChannelError, 505: AMQPUnexpectedFrame, 506: AMQPResourceError, 530: AMQPNotAllowed, 540: AMQPNotImplemented, 541: AMQPInternalError }