Source code for pamqp.encode

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
AMQP Data Encoder

Functions for encoding data of various types including field tables and arrays

import calendar
import datetime
import decimal as _decimal
import logging
import struct
import time

from pamqp import PYTHON3

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    long = int
    unicode = None  # Dont throw exceptions as it is not defined

"""Toggle to support older versions of RabbitMQ."""

[docs]def support_deprecated_rabbitmq(): """Invoke to restrict the data types available in field-tables that are sent to RabbitMQ. """ global DEPRECATED_RABBITMQ_SUPPORT DEPRECATED_RABBITMQ_SUPPORT = True
[docs]def bit(value, byte, position): """Encode a bit value :param int value: Value to decode :param int byte: The byte to apply the value to :param int position: The position in the byte to set the bit on :rtype: tuple of bytes used and a bool value """ return byte | (value << position)
[docs]def boolean(value): """Encode a boolean value. :param bool value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes """ if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('bool type required') return struct.pack('>B', int(value))
[docs]def byte_array(value): """Encode a bytearray :param bytearray value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes """ if not isinstance(value, bytearray): raise TypeError('bytearray type required') elif PYTHON3: return struct.pack('>I', len(value)) + value return bytes(struct.pack('>I', len(value)) + value)
[docs]def decimal(value): """Encode a decimal.Decimal value. :param decimal.Decimal value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes """ if not isinstance(value, _decimal.Decimal): raise TypeError('decimal.Decimal type required') tmp = '%s' % value if '.' in tmp: decimals = len(tmp.split('.')[-1]) value = value.normalize() raw = int(value * (_decimal.Decimal(10)**decimals)) return struct.pack('>Bi', decimals, raw) return struct.pack('>Bi', 0, int(value))
[docs]def double(value): """Encode a floating point value as a double :param float value: Value to encode :rtype: str """ if not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError('float type required') return struct.pack('>d', value)
[docs]def floating_point(value): """Encode a floating point value. :param float value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes """ if not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError('float type required') return struct.pack('>f', value)
[docs]def long_int(value): """Encode a long integer. :param int value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes """ if PYTHON3 and not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('int type required') elif not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, long): raise TypeError('long type required') elif not (-2147483648 <= value <= 2147483647): raise TypeError('Long integer range: -2147483648 to 2147483647') return struct.pack('>l', value)
[docs]def long_uint(value): """Encode a long integer. :param int value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes """ if PYTHON3 and not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('int type required') elif not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, long): raise TypeError('long type required') elif not (0 <= value <= 4294967295): raise TypeError('Long unsigned-integer range: 0 to 4294967295') return struct.pack('>L', value)
[docs]def long_long_int(value): """Encode a long-long int. :param long or int value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes """ if PYTHON3 and not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('int type required') elif not isinstance(value, long) and not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('int or long type required') elif not (-9223372036854775808 <= value <= 9223372036854775807): raise TypeError('long-long integer range: ' '-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807') return struct.pack('>q', value)
[docs]def long_string(value): """Encode a "long string" which the specific defines as any non-null data. We will auto-convert str and unicode to bytes but ignore bytes objects and place them opaquely. :param value: Value to encode :type value: bytes or str or unicode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if PYTHON3 and not isinstance(value, (bytes, str)): raise TypeError('bytes or str required') elif not PYTHON3 and not isinstance(value, (bytes, str, unicode)): raise TypeError('bytes, str or unicode required') if not isinstance(value, bytes): value = _utf8_encode(value) return struct.pack('>I', len(value)) + value
[docs]def octet(value): """Encode an octet value. :param value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('int type required') return struct.pack('B', value)
[docs]def short_int(value): """Encode a short integer. :param int value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if not isinstance(value, (int, long)): raise TypeError('int or long type required') elif not (-32768 <= value <= 32767): raise TypeError('Short integer range: -32678 to 32767') return struct.pack('>h', value)
[docs]def short_uint(value): """Encode an unsigned short integer. :param int value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('int type required') elif not (0 <= value <= 65535): raise TypeError('Short unsigned integer range: 0 to 65535') return struct.pack('>H', value)
[docs]def short_string(value): """ Encode a string. :param value: Value to encode :type value: bytes or str or unicode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if PYTHON3 and not isinstance(value, (bytes, str)): raise TypeError('bytes or str required') elif not PYTHON3 and not isinstance(value, (bytes, str, unicode)): raise TypeError('bytes, str or unicode required') # Ensure that the value is utf-8 encoded if it's unicode value = _utf8_encode(value) return struct.pack('B', len(value)) + value
[docs]def timestamp(value): """Encode a datetime.datetime object or time.struct_time. :param value: Value to encode :type value: datetime.datetime, time.struct_time, integer :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = value.timetuple() elif isinstance(value, int): value = time.gmtime(value) if isinstance(value, time.struct_time): return struct.pack('>Q', calendar.timegm(value)) raise TypeError('datetime.datetime or time.struct_time type required')
[docs]def field_array(value): """Encode a field array from a dictionary. :param list value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError('list type required') data = [] for item in value: data.append(encode_table_value(item)) output = b''.join(data) return struct.pack('>I', len(output)) + output
[docs]def field_table(value): """Encode a field table from a dictionary. :param dict or None value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ # If there is no value, return a standard 4 null bytes if not value: return struct.pack('>I', 0) elif not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError('dict type required, got {}'.format(type(value))) # Iterate through all of the keys and encode the data into a table data = [] for key, value in sorted(value.items()): # UTF-8 encode the key since it behaves like a short-string key = _utf8_encode(key) # According to the spec, field names should be 128 char max if len(key) > 128: LOGGER.warning('Truncating key %s to 128 bytes', key) key = key[0:128] # Append the field header / delimiter data.append(struct.pack('B', len(key))) data.append(key) try: data.append(encode_table_value(value)) except TypeError as err: raise TypeError('{} error: {}/'.format(key, err)) # Join all of the data together as a string output = b''.join(data) return struct.pack('>I', len(output)) + output
[docs]def table_integer(value): """Determines the best type of numeric type to encode value as, preferring the smallest data size first. :param int value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ if DEPRECATED_RABBITMQ_SUPPORT: return _deprecated_table_integer(value) # Send the appropriately sized data value if 0 <= value <= 255: return b'b' + octet(value) elif -32768 <= value <= 32767: return b's' + short_int(value) elif 0 <= value <= 65535: return b'u' + short_uint(value) elif -2147483648 <= value <= 2147483647: return b'I' + long_int(value) elif 0 <= value <= 4294967295: return b'i' + long_uint(value) elif -9223372036854775808 <= value <= 9223372036854775807: return b'l' + long_long_int(value) raise TypeError('Unsupported numeric value: {}'.format(value))
def _deprecated_table_integer(value): """Determines the best type of numeric type to encode value as, preferring the smallest data size first, supporting versions of RabbitMQ < 3.6 :param int value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ # Send the appropriately sized data value if 0 <= value <= 255: return b'b' + octet(value) elif -32768 <= value <= 32767: return b's' + short_int(value) elif -2147483648 <= value <= 2147483647: return b'I' + long_int(value) elif -9223372036854775808 <= value <= 9223372036854775807: return b'l' + long_long_int(value) raise TypeError('Unsupported numeric value: {}'.format(value))
[docs]def encode_table_value(value): """Takes a value of any type and tries to encode it with the proper encoder :param any value: Value to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ # Determine the field type and encode it if isinstance(value, bool): result = b't' + boolean(value) elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long): result = table_integer(value) elif isinstance(value, _decimal.Decimal): result = b'D' + decimal(value) elif isinstance(value, float): result = b'f' + floating_point(value) elif PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): result = b'S' + long_string(value) elif not PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, (str, bytes, unicode)): result = b'S' + long_string(value) elif (isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) or isinstance(value, time.struct_time)): result = b'T' + timestamp(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): result = b'F' + field_table(value) elif isinstance(value, list): result = b'A' + field_array(value) elif isinstance(value, bytearray): result = b'x' + byte_array(value) elif value is None: result = b'V' else: raise TypeError('Unknown type: {} ({!r})'.format(type(value), value)) # Return the encoded value return result
[docs]def by_type(value, data_type): """Takes a value of any type and tries to encode it with the specified encoder. :param any value: Value to encode :param str data_type: type of data to encode :rtype: bytes :raises: TypeError """ # Determine the field type and encode it if data_type == 'field_array': return field_array(value) elif data_type == 'bytearray': return byte_array(value) elif data_type == 'double': return double(value) elif data_type == 'long': return long_uint(value) elif data_type == 'longlong': return long_long_int(value) elif data_type == 'longstr': return long_string(value) elif data_type == 'octet': return octet(value) elif data_type == 'short': return short_uint(value) elif data_type == 'shortstr': return short_string(value) elif data_type == 'table': return field_table(value) elif data_type == 'timestamp': return timestamp(value) elif data_type == 'void': return None raise TypeError('Unknown type: {}'.format(value))
def _utf8_encode(value): """Ensure that a string or unicode object is UTF-8 encoded. :param value: The value to evaluate :type value: str, bytes, or unicode :rtype: bytes """ if PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, str): return value.encode('utf-8') elif not PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode('utf-8') return value